Пошто су кладионице у већини земаља легална врста коцкарница, данас су веома тражене. Људи долазе овде да се кладе на одређени тим или играча, да искусе узбуђење током такмичења и добију или изгубе новац. Наравно, тако озбиљан тип пословања захтева посебан приступ његовој организацији. Клијентима је потребна погодност – разумљива калкулација опклада, јасни показатељи квота и котације предстојећег спортског догађаја. Власницима је потребан мали број особља и максимална аутоматизација процеса.
Као што је јасно из наслова, онлајн кладионице су оне које чине кладионичарски посао на Интернету. Овај облик тотализатора је популаран међу корисницима. Интернет простор је неограничен, даје могућност учествовања у тотализаторима регистрованим било где у свету. Није неопходно тражити кладионицу и ићи тамо. Да се кладите и доживите право узбуђење узбудљиве игре могуће је код куће на каучу.
This is the name of all sports events available for betting in the bookmaker office and a list of these events with odds, the mechanism for calculating them, and the results of all events online. The sportsbook is formed with the help of software, it can not be done without it. Our personal sportsbook guaranteeing: comprehensive coverage of sporting events all over the world, instant acceptance of bets from any devices, stable non-stop operation. There is no betting system which can exist without high-quality, well-written software. Software is the key to running a successful business, getting a stable profit, attracting new customers. The software for accepting bets allows to use minimum equipment.
Today the process of betting with a bookmaker is very different from what was before – in the middle and even the end of the last century. Based on the statistics of wins and losses, the number of players and many other factors, the person who decided to bet on a particular sport event, gets a full picture of the upcoming event, decides on what event to bet on and on its ammount. General computerization, the emergence and improvement of new programs for the gaming industry allow you to generate and automatically transfer any data – as a calculation of the chances of winning a particular team, and made bets.
BSW пружа спортске кладионице за онлине кладионице. Такође можемо да интегришемо кладионицу преко АПИ-ја. Важна тачка – интеграцију кладионице мора да обави професионалац. Ако почнете да то радите сами, ризикујете да направите много грешака које ће накнадно ометати исправан рад система.
This data is suitable for bookmakers as well as for any type of use. You can use it on the website or for processing and analysis. All sports data is provided as a JSON object. It is very easy to connect and use our API.
Integration of iframe with the sports line is the easiest way to start taking bets on your website. It’s enough to place a few lines of code on your site and you’ll get at your disposal the full functionality of the betting site. You can connect the functionality within 1 day!
Do you have your website and want to bet on sports? Iframe integration will help you.
We provide the full version of our API to new customers for free for a limited time! Just plug in our sports line and check it out. Sign up only after making sure everything is working well!
The price can be requested from our managers. Just contact our specialists via chat or feedback form.
BSW provides a sports line with all odds per match in real-time. We provide data for both regular sports and cybersports matches. Information on matches is provided in the Live and Pre-match modes. We also provide the results of all matches.
BSW offers its clients a platform to create a betting website. Please contact our managers for more details. You will get a turnkey site with the sports line.
You can analyze the data of our sports line and select interesting matches according to the features you need. Receive notifications about changes in odds. You can also analyze the archive data. And create your betting strategies for sports events!
Request access from our managers. Just contact our specialists via chat or feedback form.
The Betting Software system has built the success of many companies